Can you say…. BORED!

As I am sitting on this couch at Joey’s, bored, as he packs I keep replaying this saying over and over in my head…. “Trapped in the basement, sitting on a tricycle, girl getting in my nerves. Going out of my mind, I thought she was fine, don’t know if her body is hers!!” LMAO! Do NOT ask me why that is playing in my head. It just is. Don’t judge me. It was a funny little rap on that episode of Fresh Prince. Admit it? See. I am trying to humor myself. OH and I’m cold as hell. This couch I’m siting on is right on top of the air vent. Why they would put the couch here? I don’t know. Good question. I should have brought a change of clothes, like sweat pants and a t-shirt. Would have been the smart thing to do! I know. *KanyeShrug* Anywho, I am going to end this for now. Just needed to bus myself for a second. Didn’t want to look too BORED sitting here! Well… Too late for that. Oh well. Until next time..

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